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Registration Information

Fall 2020 After School Enrichment

To register for a class:


(1) Select the quantity of each class that the child(ren) in your household would like to attend. You can register all the children in your household in one transaction.

(2) Select 'Next'.


For each enrollment…

(3) Enter your child's first name, last name, grade and teacher last name.  Please also let us know if your child has any special accommodations that we need to be aware of such as allergies or asthma.

(4) If you are interested in being considered for a scholarship, click yes. NOTE: You must be registered in the school lunch program to be eligible for a scholarship.

(5) Select 'Next'.


(6) Enter Parent's contact information.

(7) Select 'Submit'.  You will receive a confirmation of your class registration.

IF A CLASS IS FULL and you would like to put your child on the wait list, please send an email to GLEBEENRICHMENT@GMAIL.COM with the following details:
  • Class Name
  • Child's Name
  • Child's Grade
  • Child's Teacher
  • Your phone number